Quick Guide to NSCC ASPIRE2A

Here are some info on logging into NSCC ASPIRE2A

Setting up DUO 2FA Authentication. Please email NSCC Helpdesk (help@nscc.sg) for an email invite to setup and activate DUO on your mobile.

Installing Checkpoint Windows VPN Client

Refer to this guide:

Download the Windows VPN standalone client from this URL:


Submit Jobs

Prepare a job submission script submit.pbs in the format below, and submit it using the command “qsub submit.pbs”

#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=1:mpiprocs=1:mem=4g:ngpus=4
#PBS -l walltime=01:00:00
#PBS -o log/
#PBS -j oe

### Put your project code here. If using personal account, type PBS -P personal-XXX where XXX is your account name
#PBS -P 50003303
#PBS -q normal

### send email when b: begin, a: aborted, e:end
#PBS -m bae

### Put your email address here
#PBS -M myhlow@gmail.com

# Enter where the job script is submitted.
cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR || exit $?
# if no log folder, then make one
[ -d log ] || mkdir log

# Run your job
cd ~/prime